Also, you should know that I wrote this whole long and insightful blog just now and it somehow didn't save so now I have to start again.
First, an update for all you Brett fans. He now has 2 nicknames. In addition to the monicker of "hairball" he has also been labeled "Ketchup" for his need to carry a bottle of ketchup around with him while travelling.
At Proximos Pasos yesterday a new stud arrived in town. His name is Jackson. Though only 2, he captured the hearts of the school girls. Sure during his many "fight sessions" with Marcus, Noah and any innocent bystander, he was again labeled in spanish as "angry." Sure he cried a lot as the time for his nap came and went. The girls of the school, however, were impressed with his strength. He cries alot, they would say in their spanish, but he is also strong. He can protect us. He is our boyfriend.
Aw, Jackson, already an international superstar.
Noah, meanwhile enhanced his international star power by sharing his bakugan toys with the kids of the village and dazzling them with his soccer skills in an impromptu game. No doubt they thought David Beckhem had arrived!
Reagan struggled through her appearance. By the end, she was able to open up to the girls and play with them. She also was able to learn a new worship song thanks to Gina.
It was indeed a day of growth.
The construction team toiled over at the other school. We were told that the girls at the school there were hitting on Justin. Also, that they continued to get a lot of work done on the project via wheelbarrows full of concrete and a series of intricate wooden planks with ditches below them. Sounds like a Survivor challenge to me!
The painting ladies were without paint for most of the day, so they made lunch for the others, and assisted Wally in his class. Apparently, Wally was using a power point presentation for his class. It struck me as funny that he can do that here, but in Washington Township, I still have to use an overhead projector for my class.
Our main task at Proximos Pasos was the lice wash. We performed the lice wash for all 105 girls at the school. It took pretty much the whole school day for them.
Lice is a big problem in their village because most houses only have running water about 1-2 hours a day, so they only bathe about once a month.
Now, contrary to what you might think, a lice wash is not all just fun and games. Sure, most people crave the feeling of little scalp-dwelling insects crawling around on them. Sure, most people enjoy running a comb through hair infested with lice.
It isn't my thing though. My thing is a nice nutritious meal and a good book. (Who am I kidding? It's a burger, fries and my television set!)
The girls would not hesitate to lower their heads for us to shampoo with the lice wash and then stood there solid as a rock as we combed through their hair (sometimes being quite hard on them!) The absolute trust they had in us was stunning.
The English teacher in me of course is always on the prowl for symbolism. Their unwavering trust in us seemed a fitting representation for how we should feel towards God.
Anyway, the little Santa Maria beauties had to let their lice wash "sizzle" in their hair for 30 minutes or so, and then it was off to rinse and get a regular shampooing.
Being part of this experience definitely stretched us beyond our comfort zones and humbled us. It was a great chance to be the "hands and feet of Christ."
Meanwhile, we also learned about faith. Last summer while down here, I was struck at the seeming "direct line to God" that Lauren has. Time after time things would come up, Lauren would pray about it and literally minutes later it was done.
Yesterday continued that trend. Lauren was taking pictures of herself and some of the girls from the school for a prayer card. It was a good day to do it because you could see the top of the volano (a lot of times the tops are covered in clouds). Because of the placement of the sun, however, Lauren couldn't get a good picture that included the volcano because the sun was directly in her eyes. She prayed that God would send a cloud to cover the sun. Fast forward about a minute and the sun was safely tucked behind the clouds.
I told Pastor Gary about it and suggested we get together and pray. He and Dr. Gottlieb were looking for a kid who they had worked on in the dental clinic. He had a bad infection and they were hoping to follow-up with him, but didn't know who he was or where he lived.
We prayed. God answered. (More on that story when Lauren guest blogs later on!)
It struck me that maybe Lauren doesn't have a direct line to God. Maybe she just doesn't answer the call waiting while talking to Him.
Consider Abraham. He was considered righteous because of his faith, and is called the "father of faith." Yet, even this great pillar of faith demonstrated the very human desire to take things into our own hands and attempt to solve them. He and Sarah knew God was going to bless them with a son. They chose not to wait for his promise. They acted. Enter the Isaac and Ishmael grudge match.
I'm not suggesting that Abraham lacked faith. I am also not suggesting that if we don't have a prayer answered it is because of our lack of faith. I am simply saying that maybe God does answer a lot more prayer than we realize because we are too quick to take matters in our own hands, or two pre-occupied to notice his reply.
Maybe missionary folks aren't some supernatural cell phone carrier to God. Maybe they just rely on Him more and themselves less. Maybe the nature of their lifestyle causes them to have to trust more profoundly.
Being down here in the shadow of the volcanos reminds me more clearly that God answers prayer. Today was just another example.
Along those lines, please pray for me and Jackson as we are not feeling well!
1 comment:
Hey Bill! Sounds like Lauren needs to pray for you. This is the second time you are sick this week (or has it been continuous?).
James 5:16b 'The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.'
Father, You know the need before we speak it! We lift up Bill and Jackson and thank You for the healing happening in and through their bodies! Strengthen Bill for the purposes You have planned for him. Thank you that Jackson's lungs will be strenghted to procraim Your glorious name one day!! May Your will unfold in Guatemala and around this world! In Jesus' name! AMEN and AMEN
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