Our family just got home from a vacation at the Jersey shore. Trips to the beach are always unpredictable. Often, I would like to just sit on the beach and relax, reading some book and just "soaking up the sun" to quote the wise sage Sheryl Crow. Unfortunately for me, when you have 3 kids 8 and under, you don't have a lot of time to sit.
So on one particular day at the beach, Jackson was his usual rough and tumble self, wildly exploring the beach and the sea. Afraid of nothing, Jackson had already killed a poor little frog at our campsite. Like Lennie in Of Mice and Men, Jackson doesn't know his own strength. He picked up the little bugger and squeezed the life out of him.
Later, on the beach, Jackson was joining the family on a beach walk. The previous day's walk by Noah and I had yielded many discoveries. We saw some crabs which we gave nicknames to (Pincher Face, Weird Eye, and Digger) and we had a great father-son bonding time. On this walk, as we were irresponsibly climbing all over the rocks, Jackson fell while parading around on the rocks.
His foot was somewhat swollen after that incident and it looked as if he perhaps was stung by a jellyfish. We asked Jackson what happened to his foot and were surprised to here the whopper of a tale that Jackson laid out for us.
You see, his "boo-boo" on his foot was the result of a shark bite. Jackson proudly proclaimed that "a shark eat my boo-boo, he bite it." To this day, that is the story Jackson is standing behind. Jackson is indeed a brave one, what with facing a man-eating shark at the age of 2 and surviving to tell about it!
Jackson's tall tale reminds us that everything in life is an adventure! What an imagination our little epic hero has!
In other news, money has started to come in for our Guatemala trip, but we still have a long way to go! Apparently, taking a family of five on a mission trip can be very expensive! Please continue to pray that the necessary funds would come in for us to take this trip.
P.S. Many of you know of my immense fear of Mr. Peanut. The above picture represents this nearly 33 year old man facing his fears once and for all. As you can see from my placement, I am still a little hesitant to get too close to the monocle-wearing menace. It is a big step for me to even get that close, however.