We are so proud of Noah for winning the Christian Character award for his class. Each class had one student selected to win that award. As a parent, it is so nice to hear that our son was selected for this award.
A few weeks ago, several of the coaches at our Kids Avenue program identified Noah as someone who does the right thing in class even when his close friends in the group are acting up.
Now, no kid is perfect, but Noah continues to show a maturity and a Christian testimony that is worthy of celebrating and honoring. Some kids are leaders and some kids are followers. Noah is both--a leader among his peers and a follower of Jesus Christ.
Please pray that Noah will continue to maintain this worthy testimony before the Lord.
Also, pray for Noah and the rest of us as we prepare to take a missions trip to Guatemala. Pray for the financing to be made available and pray for our spiritual and physical safety during the trip (what with all the swine flu out there!)