Dear Friends,
I still remember what it looked like to see the volcanoes for the first time. Last year during our trip to Guatemala, I was spellbound by them. I also vividly remember teaching the kids the worship song “Mighty To Save” which contains the lines “Savior, He can move the mountains / My God is mighty to save” while looking out the window at the volcano. The sweet spirit of the Lord in those moments working with the children of the two schools—Proximos Pasos & The School of Life and Hope—was amazing. We went to serve and to bless and returned blessed indeed.
It was the blessing of a lifetime for us. And one of the greatest parts was getting to share that experience with Noah. His eyes lit up as he took in every moment of his Guatemalan missions’ adventure.
We were able to make that journey largely through the generosity of family and friends. The experience was phenomenal and it birthed in our hearts a passion to serve the Lord in Guatemala once again this summer. Once again, however, we are going to depend on the generosity of others to help us make that journey.
This year, we are joining our church, Gloucester County Community Church, on a return trip to work with Mission Impact in Guatemala. Our church team will be conducting a VBS style program for the children at the school as well as once again providing lice washes for the girls. There will also be a work team coming to do construction on the property.
This year will also present a new adventure for us—we are taking all 3 kids with us! Some of you might be worried about us bringing the little kids with us, but they are already veterans of air travel and are both looking forward to visiting Aunt Lauren in Guatemala. The schedule of the trip allows for the kids to have afternoon naps at Aunt Lauren’s house, and by working in the schools, we will be in a nice safe environment for them.
So, we are asking you to prayerfully consider supporting our family trip to Guatemala. We will be going at the end of July through early August. The church team will be in Guatemala from July 25 to August 1, and the family is planning on going down a few days earlier to enjoy some alone time with Aunt Lauren and help her prepare for our team. Taking a family of 5 on a missions’ trip, however, doesn’t come cheap and we are relying on God to supply the need!
Please pray about what the Lord would have you give. You may make donations directly to us if you like, or you can make your checks directly to our church (which will allow you to have a tax deduction at the end of the year!) If you write the check to the church, please put “Hughes Family Guatemala Missions Trip” in the memo line so that it will be credited to our account.
As with last year, we plan to give our friends, family, and supporters a daily glimpse into our journey with our online blog. Each day we will be posting updates from the field complete with pictures and hopefully this year video. It will give you the opportunity to literally join us on the missions’ field and get a firsthand view of your money in action!
Check for updates leading up to the trip and daily during the trip at: www.thehughesfive.blogspot.com.
Finally, the most important thing you could do for us is pray. This is a spiritual journey for us and will require spiritual support. We thank you in advance for all of your prayer and support! May God bless you for your generosity! We look forward to being able to share with you the lives that were touched by your generosity and support!
God Bless,
Bill & Jaci Hughes
FYI: Send checks to us whether you make it out to the church or not. If you need our address for mailing purposes, just email us!