While Jaci was at church tonight, I had the honor of giving both Jackson and Reagan baths and putting them to bed. We even got to watch an episode of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse together!
As I put Reagan to bed, I prayed with her as we always do. I concluded my prayer and prepared to leave her room, she asked if she could pray. I told her that she could and she prayed the following:
"Dear Jesus,
Thank you for our trip to Disney World. Keep us safe on our trip to Disney World and just follow us there. Follow us at Disney World and just follow us everywhere. Amen."
Now, she has been praying for our upcoming Disney trip for weeks. It's not a shock to me that she would pray for that trip. I thought it was cute, however, that she asked Jesus to just follow us everywhere including Disney World.
In uncertain times may we all have the heart of this little one to ask Jesus to walk with us in our trials and tribulation. Out of the mouth of a child, God ordained praise. Little Reagan is able to see the need to have her Savior walking with her. What a wonderful blessing for a Daddy!
wow. i'm so proud of reagan. i love her prayer-simple yet so powerful!
Hi... just happen to cross your site...
Im planning to go to Tokyo or Hong Kong Disney this Christmas. Hoho and I found some stuffs from Hong Kong Disneyland here as well:
I will definitely take tones of photos there!!!
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