Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Worship Team Gets Started!

A great bunch of people came together on Monday to minister to the 5th and 6th grade students of Vida y Esperanza. Volunteers from our own children's ministry (Jaci, Marcus, and Bill Brown) joined newcomers (Sara & Gina) and special guest Lauren as they led the kids in singing "Mighty To Save" and "Jesus Is My Superhero" in spanish.

The kids were very responsive to the songs and it was a blessing to see this group shine as they led them in worship. Afterwards, Lauren and I got up and told the story of Elijah and the prophets of Baal from 1 Kings. We took turns reading it, but I actually did read and speak in spanish. I made sure to apologize to the students for my "mal" spanish skills.

We got to impress on them the key points we make at our church with the kids. I need to make the wise choice. I can trust God no matter what. I should treat others the way I want to be treated.

It was really an honor to be able to share God's love with the kids. The team today is ministering to the 3rd and 4th grade classes. The team spent yesterday afternoon cutting out supplies for the follow-up activity that they were going to do with the kids. Sadly, due to a stomach issue, I am not part of the team today, but I hope to re-join them tomorrow at Proximos Pasos.

I cannot stress enough the way these kids have captured the hearts of our team. It truly is representative of how Christ feels towards us.

In the eyes of eternity, we amount to little in and of ourselves. Christ's heart is captured by each and every one of us.

As we seek to serve people that have virtually nothing, we are reminded of how needy each of us truly is.

In the shadow of vast volcanoes, you kind of get the idea of how small you really are. Which, for those of us who need to lose a few pounds, is really re-assuring!

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Volcano Land!

Volcano Land!
Hughes Family loves these Guatemalan volcanoes!


"This is how we know what love is: JESUS CHRIST LAID DOWN HIS LIFE FOR US. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers...Dear children, let us NOT love with words or tongue but with ACTIONS, and in TRUTH...And this is His command: to believe in the name of His Son, JESUS CHRIST, and to LOVE one another as HE commanded us." 1 John 3:16,18,23

Noah Doing His Moves

Noah Doing His Moves
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You Are Good (Eres Fiel)
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Santa Maria de Jesus

Santa Maria de Jesus
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