Friday, July 24, 2009

Soy Noe (I Am Noah) & "Get In Your House Chickens!"

"For since the creation of the world God's invisble qualities--His eternal power and divine nature--have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.." Romans 1:20

Nowhere is that verse more evident than living in the shadow of the volcanoes. On our journey yesterday, we got to see the red lava at the top of the volcano Fuego (or Fire.) Unfortunately, we were on the road, so we weren't able to get a picture. Hopefully we will before we leave. Don't freak out Mom, the volcano doesn't erupt, it just sort of oozes lava at the top and is over 100 miles away from us. Your grandkids are safe!

Before we got started yesterday, Reagan and Jackson had baths in bottled water in Lauren's back yard. The reason is because the shower water could make them sick if they drink it, and since Jackson puts everything into his mouth that he finds, we didn't want to take too many chances!

Yesterday, we began some work for the team. We met with Jeff Sprecher, the Director of Mission Impact. Jeff and his wife Terry are very nice, humble people, who just seem to be completely surrendered to the will of God in their lives. Jeff had avery quiet confidence about him that a person of great faith tends to have. We reviewed the team's schedule for the week and Lauren and Jeff went over the logistics.

Meanwhile, Noah fell down some stairs, Reagan got "hot and sweaty" and Jackson may or may not have been bitten by the family dog. He claims he was, but then again this is the same boy who has been claiming to have also survived shark bites and, in a surprise to many, dinosaur bites.

It was also revealed that Jeff was under the impression that Pastor Gary was only in his twenties because of the way he talks. I think Jeff's world is going to be rocked by the antics of the wild and wacky Gary Clark when he gets here!

Then we went on to the Perez house and had a very nice meal with the family. I'm very excited that the team will get to meet this family as they are such a fun group of people and a tremendous encouragement. The pictures above are the view from Mirna's house. Talk about a "city on a hill!"

Paul writes in Romans about being "mutually encouraged" by one another's faith. That pretty much sums up the lunch meeting! Learn more about the work they do by visiting Mission Impact's website.

The kids were big fans of the family dog Pepe. Jackson also enjoyed chasing the chickens back into their chicken coop while chastising them "Get in your house chickens!"

On the way, Reagan pronounced her love of the volcanoes and mountains by sighing and saying "I love those mountains."

Noah was able to get his Bakugan back from the neighbors. All is well.

We went to the ever populer Pollo Campero for dinner. While feasting on chicken and fries, the staff sang happy birtday to me and I got a Pollo Campero visor of my very own!

Meanwhile, Noah was able to improve American-Guatemalan relations by speaking spanisht to the kids in the playland of the restaurant.

"Soy Noe." (It means I am Noah.) He said he wanted to make things easier on the kids so that they could understand him.

Reagan meanwhile babbled incoherently and told us it was spanish.

Jackson climbed up the playland equipment that was only for kids 4 and up with relative ease. He then slid down the slide and landed on some unfortunate Guatemalan boy that he proceeded to wrestle with. Poor kid never knew what hit him.

Jaci isn't feeling well, so please pray for her. Jaci and the kids have an easy day today. Lauren and I will be meeting the church team at the airport in a few hours and getting them oriented at the school.

This evening the team will have dinner together, but the Hughes family will be dining alone. We are going out to dinner to a restaurant in Antigua to celebrate my birthday.

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Volcano Land!

Volcano Land!
Hughes Family loves these Guatemalan volcanoes!


"This is how we know what love is: JESUS CHRIST LAID DOWN HIS LIFE FOR US. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers...Dear children, let us NOT love with words or tongue but with ACTIONS, and in TRUTH...And this is His command: to believe in the name of His Son, JESUS CHRIST, and to LOVE one another as HE commanded us." 1 John 3:16,18,23

Noah Doing His Moves

Noah Doing His Moves
He captivating the hearts of the young guatemalan ladies with his moves

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You Are Good (Eres Fiel)
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A House in Santa Maria de Jesus

Santa Maria de Jesus

Santa Maria de Jesus
The road that Proximos Pasos is on...those structures are houses

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